When To Consider Hiring A Commercial Locksmith For Your Business

29 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Locks on commercial properties often have more keys made for them than residential locks because there are employees and keyholders that may have to access the building. If a key is lost, or someone leaves the business without turning in keys, having a commercial locksmith change the looks may be necessary, but there are also other services the locksmith can help with that you might not have considered.

Updating Locks

When a lock on a commercial property needs to be updated, the cylinder in the center of the lock can be removed and reset to change the tumbler positions and render old keys unusable. Changing the cylinder is also an excellent way to change a lock so that several doors use the same key to open them, and often commercial locks are heavy-duty units that require commercial locksmith services to do the work for you.

Commercial lock repair is often easier with these heavy-duty locks and cylinders because the materials are durable and harder to damage than less robust residential locks. An experienced commercial locksmith can usually pull the cylinder and make the repairs faster than replacing the lock entirely and at a much lower cost for the client. In many cases, the locksmith can fix a damaged commercial door lock instead of replacing it. 

Installing New Locks

Commercial locksmith services are often the best place to start when you need new locks on your commercial property or are considering moving to a lock system like a digital keypad or card reader. Typically digital or electronic locks require the locksmith service to install new mechanisms that operate with a code or key card. Still, its flexibility can be significant for businesses with high turnovers. 

Many of these electron lock systems offer the user the ability to issue single-use codes to employees that you can remove from the system if they leave the company. Commercial locksmith services can install the locks and get you set up, and then you can manage the system yourself unless there is an issue with a lock or mechanical function of the system. 

If you decide to upgrade the locks, add new keypads, or add additional locks, the commercial locksmith can help add features and ensure everything is working correctly when they are done. Additionally, some systems allow you to use a key fob to access doors or proximity cards that recognize the user as they approach the doors. 

While commercial key locks are still standard in many commercial businesses, commercial locksmith services offer more ways to use advanced tech to secure your building. Talk to a locksmith near you if you need commercial locksmith services.
